Pixelated Chosen Color With Dithering
This was design for a PICO-8 style game. I’m not very good at shaders so for the love of god make this better.
Download the screenshot of a color palette below the shader code and put that into U Dither Color.
Download the screenshot of a dither pattern below the shader code and put that into U Dither Type.
You can use your own colors by arranging how many colors you feel into a png. The colors all must be equal size and along the x axis.
The Color amount should be equal to the amount of colors you made.
Shader code
// Adapted from stephanbogner/1-pico8-godot-shader.shader
// By Rank1
// very bad
// Type of shader https://docs.godotengine.org/en/3.0/tutorials/shading/shading_language.html#shader-types
shader_type canvas_item;
//How Pixelated it is
uniform int u_dither_size;
//What colors this chooses from
uniform sampler2D u_dither_color: filter_nearest;
//How many colors there are in u_dither_color
uniform int color_amount;
//How much dither
uniform float u_dither_amount = 1;
uniform sampler2D u_dither_type: filter_nearest, repeat_enable;
void fragment(){
//Rescales the screen basically and grab the individual pixel cord and color
vec2 screen_size = vec2(textureSize(TEXTURE, 0)) / float(u_dither_size);
vec2 uv_cord = floor(UV * screen_size);
vec2 screen_sample_uv = uv_cord / screen_size;
vec3 current_color = texture(TEXTURE, screen_sample_uv).rgb;
float min_diff = 1000.0;
vec3 shader_color = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
//Grabs the closet color to the actual color on screen
for(int i=0; i < color_amount; i++){
vec3 focused_color = texture(u_dither_color, vec2(float(i)/float(color_amount),0.5)).rgb;
float curr_dist = distance(focused_color, current_color);
if(curr_dist < min_diff){
min_diff = curr_dist;
shader_color = focused_color;
//Grab the second closet color
vec3 before_color = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float new_diff = 1000.0;
for(int i=0; i < color_amount; i++){
vec3 focused_color = texture(u_dither_color, vec2(float(i)/float(color_amount), 0.5)).rgb;
float curr_dist = distance(focused_color, current_color);
if(curr_dist < new_diff){
if(curr_dist > min_diff){
new_diff = curr_dist;
before_color = focused_color;
//If the distance between the first color and actual color is greater then the distance between the first and second, starts to dither
vec2 egg = screen_size/ vec2(textureSize(u_dither_type,0));
if(distance(current_color, shader_color)*u_dither_amount > distance(before_color, shader_color)){
if(texture(u_dither_type, screen_sample_uv * egg).r >= 0.5){
shader_color = before_color;
COLOR.rgb = shader_color.rgb;
Thanks :*
how am i supposed to set that up ??????