Pixelated Chosen Color With Dithering

This was design for a PICO-8 style game. I’m not very good at shaders so for the love of god make this better.

Download the screenshot of a color palette below the shader code and put that into U Dither Color.

Download the screenshot of a dither pattern below the shader code and put that into U Dither Type.

You can use your own colors by arranging how many colors you feel into a png. The colors all must be equal size and along the x axis.

The Color amount should be equal to the amount of colors you made.




Shader code
// Adapted from stephanbogner/1-pico8-godot-shader.shader
// By Rank1
// very bad

// Type of shader https://docs.godotengine.org/en/3.0/tutorials/shading/shading_language.html#shader-types
shader_type canvas_item;

//How Pixelated it is
uniform int u_dither_size;
//What colors this chooses from
uniform sampler2D u_dither_color: filter_nearest;
//How many colors there are in u_dither_color
uniform int color_amount;
//How much dither
uniform float u_dither_amount = 1;
uniform sampler2D u_dither_type: filter_nearest, repeat_enable;

void fragment(){

	//Rescales the screen basically and grab the individual pixel cord and color
	vec2 screen_size = vec2(textureSize(TEXTURE, 0)) / float(u_dither_size);
	vec2 uv_cord = floor(UV * screen_size);
	vec2 screen_sample_uv = uv_cord / screen_size;
	vec3 current_color = texture(TEXTURE, screen_sample_uv).rgb;

	float min_diff = 1000.0;
	vec3 shader_color = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

	//Grabs the closet color to the actual color on screen
	for(int i=0; i < color_amount; i++){
		vec3 focused_color = texture(u_dither_color, vec2(float(i)/float(color_amount),0.5)).rgb;
		float curr_dist = distance(focused_color, current_color);
		if(curr_dist < min_diff){
			min_diff = curr_dist;
			shader_color = focused_color;
	//Grab the second closet color 
	vec3 before_color = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	float new_diff = 1000.0;
	for(int i=0; i <  color_amount; i++){
		vec3 focused_color = texture(u_dither_color, vec2(float(i)/float(color_amount), 0.5)).rgb;
		float curr_dist = distance(focused_color, current_color);
		if(curr_dist < new_diff){
			if(curr_dist > min_diff){
				new_diff = curr_dist;
				before_color = focused_color;
	//If the distance between the first color and actual color is greater then the distance between the first and second, starts to dither
	vec2 egg = screen_size/ vec2(textureSize(u_dither_type,0));
	if(distance(current_color, shader_color)*u_dither_amount > distance(before_color, shader_color)){
		if(texture(u_dither_type, screen_sample_uv * egg).r >= 0.5){
			shader_color = before_color;

	COLOR.rgb = shader_color.rgb;
Color, dither, dithering, Pixelated, Pixels
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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1 year ago

Thanks :*

6 months ago

how am i supposed to set that up ??????