Rotating Radial Stripes
Rotating radial stripes.
Rotation center point, speed, divisions and color modifier can be set via shader parameters.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
/** The center point of the effect. */
uniform vec2 center = vec2(0.5);
/** The number of stripes. */
uniform int stripes = 24;
/** The rotation speed. Set to 0 for a static effect. */
uniform float speed: hint_range(0.0, 5.0, 0.1) = 0.2;
/** Rotation direction: 1 for clockwise and -1 for counter-clockwise. */
uniform int direction: hint_range(-1, 1, 2) = 1;
/** The modifier to apply to the pixels when inside a stripe. The final color will be multiplied by this value. */
uniform vec3 color_modifier = vec3(0.9);
void fragment() {
// Fix aspect ratio issue.
vec2 uv_deriv = fwidthFine(UV);
float aspect_ratio = uv_deriv.y / uv_deriv.x;
vec2 corrected_uv = UV * vec2(aspect_ratio, 1.0);
vec2 corrected_center = center * vec2(aspect_ratio, 1.0);
// Get the angle between the center of the effect and the UV.
vec2 dir = corrected_center - corrected_uv;
float angle = atan(dir.y, dir.x) - (TIME * speed * float(direction));
// Check if the angle is in a stripe or not.
if (mod(floor(angle / (TAU / float(stripes))), 2) == 0.0) {
// If yes, apply the modifier to the pixel.
COLOR.rgb *= color_modifier;
changes for 16:
uniform vec3 color_modifier : source_color = vec3(0.9);