Simple Spatial Planet
A 3D planet intended for rendering within a cube, tested also on a quad. It writes a minimal amount of builtins as it is designed for extending into more complex planet renderers. It also serves as a nice example of a simple ray-traced sphere.
- Wrapping animated surface texture resembling a gas giant
- Writes to depth during fragment, so as to properly clip with other geometries
- Behaves as you’d expect a perfectly spherical mesh to behave
Shader code
shader_type spatial;
render_mode cull_front;
bool solveQuadratic( float a, float b, float c, inout float x0, inout float x1 )
{ //
float discr = b * b - 4.0 * a * c;
if( discr < 0.0 ) return false;
else if( abs(discr) < 0.0001 ) x0 = x1 = -0.5 * b / a;
float q = (abs(b) > 0.0001) ? -0.5 * (b + sqrt(discr)) : -0.5 * (b - sqrt(discr));
x0 = q / a;
x1 = c / q;
if( x0 > x1 )
float _x1 = x1;
x1 = x0;
x0 = _x1;
return true;
float raySphereIntersect( vec3 origin, vec3 normal, vec3 center, float radius )
{ //
float t0, t1; // Solution for t if the ray intersects the sphere
vec3 L = origin - center;
float a = dot(normal,normal);
float b = 2.0 * dot(normal,L);
float c = dot(L,L) - radius * radius;
if( !solveQuadratic(a, b, c, t0, t1 ) ) return -1.0;
if( t0 < 0.0 )
if( t1 < 0.0 ) return -1.0;
t0 = t1;
return t0;
vec3 whorley( vec2 uv, float time, vec2 distortion )
{ //
for(float i=1.0; i<10.0; i+=1.0)
vec3 n = vec3( cos(uv.x+uv.y+2.),
(sin(uv.x+uv.y+1.)+cos(uv.x+uv.y+1.5)) );
return n;
vec2 uvOnSphere( vec3 dir )
float uvX = (atan( dir.y, length( vec2(dir.x,dir.z) ) )/PI)+0.5;
float uvY = ((atan(dir.x,dir.z)+PI)/TAU);
return vec2 ( uvX, uvY );
vec3 whorleyOnSphere( vec3 dir, float time, vec2 scale, vec2 distortion )
float delta = (dot( -normalize(dir*vec3(1,0,1)), vec3(0,0,1) )+1.0)/2.0;
vec3 wosA = whorley(uvOnSphere(dir)*scale, time, distortion );
vec3 wosB = whorley(uvOnSphere(-dir)*scale, time, distortion );
vec3 mixed = wosA+((wosB-wosA)*delta);
return normalize(mixed);
vec3 transform( mat4 mtx, vec3 vec ){ return (mtx*vec4(vec,1.0)).rgb - mtx[3].rgb;}
float fresnel( float val, vec3 normal, vec3 view, float str ){ return clamp( mix( val, 0.0, dot(normal,view)*str ), 0.0, 1.0 );}
uniform float radius = 256.0;
uniform float rimRetraction = 4.0;
uniform float rimBrightness = 1.0;
uniform vec3 rimColor : source_color = vec3(0.7,0.5,0.3);
uniform float animationSpeed = 0.25;
uniform float distortionStrength = 0.3;
void fragment()
// First get the ray direction in world space
vec3 rayDir = normalize(transform(INV_VIEW_MATRIX,-VIEW));
// t is the distance along that ray at which intersection occurs (or -1 if there was none)
float t = raySphereIntersect( CAMERA_POSITION_WORLD-NODE_POSITION_WORLD, rayDir, vec3(0), radius );
if( t > 0.0 )
{ // t is greater than 0, therefore an intersection has occured along the ray
vec3 worldPos = CAMERA_POSITION_WORLD+(rayDir*t);
vec3 dir = normalize(worldPos-NODE_POSITION_WORLD);
// Depth is calculated using the world position of the intersection
vec4 clipPos = PROJECTION_MATRIX * VIEW_MATRIX * vec4(worldPos, 1);
DEPTH = clipPos.z/clipPos.w;
// The direction from the center is transformed back into view space to serve the normal
NORMAL = transform( VIEW_MATRIX, dir );
// Dir is then moved into local space to respect rotation of the node for texturing
dir = transform( inverse(MODEL_MATRIX), dir );
ALBEDO = whorleyOnSphere( dir, TIME*animationSpeed, vec2(20,5), vec2(distortionStrength) );
EMISSION = fresnel(0.25,NORMAL,VIEW,rimRetraction)*rimColor*rimBrightness;
ALPHA = 1.0;
else ALPHA = 0.0;