Stylized Water Shader
The watershader doesn’t require textures and imported meshes it’s a pretty nice solution for beginners and non-artists like me.
Use for the Noise textures Godot’s build in simplex noise
For the normalmap the same, but enable as_normalmap
Shader code
shader_type spatial;
render_mode blend_mix, specular_phong;
uniform float speed : hint_range(-1,1) = 0.0;
uniform sampler2D noise1; //add Godot noise here
uniform sampler2D noise2; //add Godot noise here
uniform sampler2D normalmap : hint_normal; //add Godot noise here, enable as_normalmap
uniform vec4 color : hint_color;
uniform vec4 edge_color : hint_color;
uniform float edge_scale = 0.25;
uniform float near = 0.1;
uniform float far = 100f;
uniform vec2 wave_strengh = vec2(0.5, 0.25);
uniform vec2 wave_frequency = vec2(12.0, 12.0);
uniform vec2 time_factor = vec2(1.0, 2.0);
float rim(float depth){
depth = 2f * depth - 1f;
return near * far / (far + depth * (near - far));
float waves(vec2 pos, float time){
return (wave_strengh.y * sin(pos.y * wave_frequency.y + time * time_factor.y)) + (wave_strengh.x * sin(pos.x * wave_frequency.x + time * time_factor.x));
void vertex(){
VERTEX.y += waves(VERTEX.xy, TIME);
void fragment(){
float time = TIME * speed;
vec3 n1 = texture(noise1, UV + time).rgb;
vec3 n2 = texture(noise2, UV - time * 0.2).rgb;
vec2 uv_movement = UV * 4f;
uv_movement += TIME * speed * 4f;
float sum = (n1.r + n2.r) - 1f;
float z_depth = rim(texture(DEPTH_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV).x);
float z_pos = rim(FRAGCOORD.z);
float diff = z_depth - z_pos;
vec2 displacement = vec2(sum * 0.05);
diff += displacement.x * 50f;
vec4 col = mix(edge_color, color, step(edge_scale, diff));
vec4 alpha = vec4(1.0);
alpha = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV + displacement);
float fin = 0.0;
if (sum > 0.0 && sum < 0.4) fin = 0.1;
if (sum > 0.4 && sum < 0.8) fin = 0.0;
if (sum > 0.8) fin = 1f;
ALBEDO = vec3(fin) + mix(alpha.rgb, col.rgb, color.a);
NORMALMAP = texture(normalmap, uv_movement).rgb;
Wow, this is some really nice water!
Thanks! I really like this
This is really cool, thank you very much.
For those on Godot 4, here’s the updated version of the code (Tested on 4.1.1)