Texture mix example
A shader that showcases three different ways of mixing textures:
– vertex color
– ambient occlusion
– normal
Shader form https://github.com/GDQuest/godot-shaders/
Shader code
shader_type spatial;
render_mode diffuse_burley, specular_schlick_ggx;
uniform sampler2D tex_1_albedo: hint_albedo;
// Ambient occlusion, roughness, metalness
uniform sampler2D tex_1_ao: hint_black;
uniform sampler2D tex_1_normal : hint_normal;
uniform sampler2D tex_2_albedo: hint_albedo;
uniform sampler2D tex_2_normal : hint_normal;
uniform float blend_smoothness : hint_range(0.1, 1.0, 0.01) = 0.2;
uniform float threshold : hint_range(0.1, 1.0, 0.01) = 0.0;
uniform bool additive_mix = false;
uniform bool use_red_vertex_color = true;
uniform bool use_ao_occlusion = false;
uniform bool use_world_direction = false;
uniform vec3 world_direction = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
void fragment(){
// sample all the textures
vec4 albedo1 = texture(tex_1_albedo, UV);
vec4 albedo2 = texture(tex_2_albedo, UV);
vec3 normal1 = texture(tex_1_normal, UV).rgb;
vec3 normal2 = texture(tex_2_normal, UV).rgb;
float ao = texture(tex_1_ao, UV).r;
float mix_factor = 0.0;
float addends = 0.0;
mix_factor += COLOR.r;
addends += 1.0;
// textures are from 0 to 1, but we want the normals to be able to go negative.
vec3 unpacked_normal = normal1 * 2.0 - vec3(1.0);
unpacked_normal.z = sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - dot(unpacked_normal.xy, unpacked_normal.xy)));
// Binormal and tangent vectors are what allows us to transform the
// 2D normalmaps into something that can interact with 3D space
vec3 world_tangent = (CAMERA_MATRIX * vec4(TANGENT, 0.0)).xyz;
vec3 world_binormal = (CAMERA_MATRIX * vec4(BINORMAL, 0.0)).xyz;
vec3 world_normal = (CAMERA_MATRIX * vec4(NORMAL, 0.0)).xyz;
// Normal mixing taken directly from Godot's spatial shader (drivers/gles3/shaders/spatial.glsl)
vec3 normalmap_normal = normalize(unpacked_normal.y * world_tangent + unpacked_normal.x * world_binormal + world_normal * unpacked_normal.z);
// the more the world-space normal is aligned to the given vector,
// the more we want to show the second texture.
mix_factor += clamp(
dot(normalmap_normal, world_direction)
addends += 1.0;
mix_factor += 1.0 - ao;
addends += 1.0;
// If we don't use additive mix, we do an average of the components.
mix_factor /= addends;
// This part makes the mix factor more crisp than a bland mix between zero and one.
// threshold allows us to cut away more of the second texture, while smoothness defines
// the crispiness of the edges of the blending. The smoother the blending, the more diluted
// and blended the textures will look like.
// It would be interesting to use the displacement map of the second texture as a small
// boost to the mix_factor, so that blending can follow the shapes in the second texture.
// Here are the textures: https://cc0textures.com/view?id=Moss003
// Have fun!
mix_factor = smoothstep(0.0, blend_smoothness, mix_factor - threshold);
NORMALMAP = mix(normal1, normal2, mix_factor);
ALBEDO = clamp(mix(albedo1, albedo2, mix_factor).rgb, vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0));
This is the code updated to work with Godot 4.2:
shader_type spatial;
render_mode diffuse_burley, specular_schlick_ggx;
uniform sampler2D tex_1_albedo: source_color,filter_linear_mipmap,repeat_enable;
// Ambient occlusion, roughness, metalness
uniform sampler2D tex_1_ao: source_color,filter_linear_mipmap,repeat_enable;
uniform sampler2D tex_1_normal : hint_normal;
uniform sampler2D tex_2_albedo: source_color,filter_linear_mipmap,repeat_enable;
uniform sampler2D tex_2_normal : hint_normal;
uniform float blend_smoothness : hint_range(0.1, 1.0, 0.01) = 0.2;
uniform float threshold : hint_range(0.1, 1.0, 0.01) = 0.0;
uniform bool additive_mix = false;
uniform bool use_red_vertex_color = true;
uniform bool use_ao_occlusion = false;
uniform bool use_world_direction = false;
uniform vec3 world_direction = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
void fragment(){
// sample all the textures
vec4 albedo1 = texture(tex_1_albedo, UV);
vec4 albedo2 = texture(tex_2_albedo, UV);
vec3 normal1 = texture(tex_1_normal, UV).rgb;
vec3 normal2 = texture(tex_2_normal, UV).rgb;
float ao = texture(tex_1_ao, UV).r;
float mix_factor = 0.0;
float addends = 0.0;
mix_factor += COLOR.r;
addends += 1.0;
// textures are from 0 to 1, but we want the normals to be able to go negative.
vec3 unpacked_normal = normal1 * 2.0 – vec3(1.0);
unpacked_normal.z = sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 – dot(unpacked_normal.xy, unpacked_normal.xy)));
// Binormal and tangent vectors are what allows us to transform the
// 2D normalmaps into something that can interact with 3D space
vec3 world_tangent = (VIEW_MATRIX * vec4(TANGENT, 0.0)).xyz;
vec3 world_binormal = (VIEW_MATRIX * vec4(BINORMAL, 0.0)).xyz;
vec3 world_normal = (VIEW_MATRIX * vec4(NORMAL, 0.0)).xyz;
// Normal mixing taken directly from Godot’s spatial shader (drivers/gles3/shaders/spatial.glsl)
vec3 normalmap_normal = normalize(unpacked_normal.y * world_tangent + unpacked_normal.x * world_binormal + world_normal * unpacked_normal.z);
// the more the world-space normal is aligned to the given vector,
// the more we want to show the second texture.
mix_factor += clamp(
dot(normalmap_normal, world_direction)
addends += 1.0;
mix_factor += 1.0 – ao;
addends += 1.0;
// If we don’t use additive mix, we do an average of the components.
mix_factor /= addends;
// This part makes the mix factor more crisp than a bland mix between zero and one.
// threshold allows us to cut away more of the second texture, while smoothness defines
// the crispiness of the edges of the blending. The smoother the blending, the more diluted
// and blended the textures will look like.
// It would be interesting to use the displacement map of the second texture as a small
// boost to the mix_factor, so that blending can follow the shapes in the second texture.
// Here are the textures: https://cc0textures.com/view?id=Moss003
// Have fun!
mix_factor = smoothstep(0.0, blend_smoothness, mix_factor – threshold);
NORMAL_MAP = mix(normal1, normal2, mix_factor);
ALBEDO = clamp(mix(albedo1, albedo2, mix_factor).rgb, vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0));