2D Lightning Beam
Shader that simulates lightning wave movement.
You can put it on a sprite or mesh 2d node.
You should add 2 noises for it to work properly.
- You can set a color gradient if you don’t want to use the colors of the base texture.
- You can make the gradient 2D if you want the colors to change horizontally instead of vertically
- You can make the colors in the gradient transparent if you want the effect to fade out nicely
- You can change the number of lightnings
- Make them more thin/thick
- Or strengthen the background color effect
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
group_uniforms noise_uniforms;
uniform sampler2D lightning_noise : repeat_enable;
uniform sampler2D background_noise : repeat_enable;
group_uniforms color_uniforms;
// use this gradient if you want to set a custom gradient instead of the base texture colors
// By making the color transparent in the gradient you can smooth out the end.
uniform sampler2D color_gradient;
uniform bool use_color_gradient = false;
uniform float color_effect_mod : hint_range(0.0, 3.0, 0.05) = 0.5; // How weak the color effect should be
uniform float intensive : hint_range(.0, 5.0, 0.05) = 0.8; // How much the lightning oscillates
uniform float lightning_thin = 2.; // How thin the lightning i
uniform int number_lightning = 8;
uniform float speed = 1.;
uniform float position : hint_range(0.0, 1.0, 0.05) = 0.5;
float random (vec2 uv) {
return fract(sin(dot(uv.xy,
vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453123);
void fragment() {
vec4 old_color = COLOR;
if (use_color_gradient) {
old_color = texture(color_gradient, vec2(UV.y, UV.x));
COLOR = vec4(0.);
float time = TIME * speed;
for (int i = 0; i < number_lightning; i++){
float offset_x = random(vec2(time));
vec2 noise_coords = vec2(time * .4 * (.5 + fract(sin(float(i) * 50.))), abs(UV.y - 0.5));
vec2 offset = (texture(lightning_noise, noise_coords).rg - vec2(0.5)) * intensive;
vec2 uv_off = UV + offset;
float dist_x = abs(uv_off.x - position) * lightning_thin;
float color_lower_bound = .1 + 0.5 * (float(i) - .5);
float color_mod = smoothstep(color_lower_bound, 1., texture(background_noise, UV * sin(offset_x)).x);
vec4 new_color = old_color * color_mod / dist_x;
new_color *= 0.1 * texture(background_noise, uv_off + vec2((time))).r;
COLOR += new_color;
COLOR.a -= min(color_effect_mod, new_color.a);