TRUE BoTW Toon Shader!
Currently Godot Shaders doesn’t allow editing pages!!!
It does support editing! Thanks to the Admin for helping me!
Github: Godot_BoTW_Toon_Shader (
New Features:
- Animated Shadow Warble
- Coloured Light Support
- Multiple Light Sources
- Normal Bias
- View Space shadow bias and multiplier
- Make shadow intensity darker (use carefully)
- SSAO and other WorldEnvironment effects will now work
Check Screenshots for my settings
Major update to the BoTW shader posted earlier. (Thanks so much for the support y’all!)
Shader code
// BoTW Toon Shader by NekotoArts
// wrote this at 2AM
// England is my city
// Smoke trees
// Two to the One from the One to the Three
shader_type spatial;
render_mode diffuse_toon, specular_toon;
uniform vec4 tint : hint_color;
uniform sampler2D albedo_texture : hint_albedo;
uniform float metallic : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.0;
uniform sampler2D normal_map : hint_albedo;
uniform float shadow_size = 0.045;
uniform float shadow_blend = 0.001;
uniform float shadow_extra_intensity = 0.0;
uniform vec4 shadow_color : hint_color;
uniform vec4 light_tint : hint_color;
uniform float rimlight_size = 0.921;
uniform float rimlight_blend = 0.01;
uniform vec4 rimlight_color : hint_color;
uniform bool use_normalmap = true;
uniform bool animated = true;
uniform float time_scale = 0.02;
uniform vec3 normal_bias = vec3(0.0);
uniform vec3 light_bias = vec3(0.0);
uniform bool use_view = true;
uniform vec4 view_bias : hint_color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
uniform float view_multiplier : hint_range(-1.0, 1.0) = -1.0;
float fresnel(float amount, vec3 normal, vec3 view)
return pow((1.0 - clamp(dot(normalize(normal), normalize(view)), 0.0, 1.0 )), amount);
varying vec3 vertex_normal;
varying vec3 vertex_tangent;
void vertex(){
vertex_normal = NORMAL;
vertex_normal = TANGENT;
void fragment(){
ALBEDO = texture(albedo_texture, UV).rgb * tint.rgb;
METALLIC = metallic;
void light(){
vec3 normal;
if (use_normalmap){
vec3 normal_from_texture;
if (animated){
normal_from_texture = texture(normal_map, UV + TIME * time_scale).rgb;
normal_from_texture = texture(normal_map, UV).rgb;
normal = vec3(normal_from_texture.x * NORMAL.x,
normal_from_texture.y * NORMAL.y, normal_from_texture.z);
normal = NORMAL - normal_from_texture;
normal = NORMAL;
if (use_view){
normal -= VIEW * view_bias.rgb * view_multiplier;
float NdotL = dot(normal + normal_bias, LIGHT + light_bias);
float rounded = smoothstep(shadow_size, shadow_blend + shadow_size, NdotL);
float one_minus = 1.0 - rounded;
vec3 mult1 = LIGHT_COLOR * rounded * light_tint.rgb * ATTENUATION;
vec3 mult2 = (one_minus * 1.4 * shadow_color.rgb) - shadow_extra_intensity;
vec3 add1 = mult1 + mult2;
float add3 = rimlight_blend + rimlight_size;
float basic_fresnel = fresnel(1.0, NORMAL, VIEW);
float smoothed = smoothstep(rimlight_size, add3, basic_fresnel);
vec3 add2 = add1 + smoothed * rimlight_color.rgb;
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OH!! Thank you so much!! I didn’t see that
amazing shader, i love it
Thank you 😀 I’m glad you like it
does this work in godot 4?
Yes, but you will need to change all “hint_color” and “hint_albedo” to “source_color”. =)