Vector Sprite Upscaling Mix Colors

Improvement for Basic Vector Sprite Upscaling by NekotoArts.

Mixes colors in places of artifacts.

Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

const int ML = 0;
uniform float THRESHOLD = 0.001;
uniform float AA_SCALE = 11.0;

bool eq(vec4 col1, vec4 col2) {
	vec4 dif = col1 - col2;
	float length_squared = dif.r * dif.r + dif.g * dif.g + dif.b * dif.b + dif.a * dif.a;
	return length_squared < THRESHOLD * THRESHOLD;

//draw diagonal line connecting 2 pixels if within threshold
vec4 diag(vec4 sum, vec2 uv, vec2 point1, vec2 point2, vec4 color1, vec4 color2, float LINE_THICKNESS) {
	if (eq(color1, color2)) {
		vec2 dir = point2 - point1;
		vec2 lp = uv - (floor(uv + point1)+.5);
		dir = normalize(vec2(dir.y, - dir.x));
		float l = clamp((LINE_THICKNESS - dot(lp, dir)) * AA_SCALE, 0.0, 1.0);
		sum = mix(sum, color1, l);
	return sum;

void fragment()
	float LINE_THICKNESS = 0.4;
	vec2 ip = UV;
	ip = UV * (1.0 / TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE);
		lu	u	ru
		l	c	r
		ld	d	rd
	vec4 c = texelFetch(TEXTURE,ivec2(ip),ML);
	vec4 l = texelFetch(TEXTURE,ivec2(ip+vec2(-1,0)),ML);
	vec4 d = texelFetch(TEXTURE,ivec2(ip+vec2(0,1)),ML);
	vec4 r = texelFetch(TEXTURE,ivec2(ip+vec2(1,0)),ML);
	vec4 u = texelFetch(TEXTURE,ivec2(ip+vec2(0,-1)),ML);
	vec4 ld = texelFetch(TEXTURE,ivec2(ip+vec2(-1,1)),ML);
	vec4 lu = texelFetch(TEXTURE,ivec2(ip+vec2(-1,-1)),ML);
	vec4 rd = texelFetch(TEXTURE,ivec2(ip+vec2(1,1)),ML);
	vec4 ru = texelFetch(TEXTURE,ivec2(ip+vec2(1,-1)),ML);

	vec4 s = c;
	ivec4 mask = ivec4(1);

	if (eq(ld, c) ) mask.x = 0;
	if (eq(lu, c)) mask.y = 0;
	if (eq(rd, c)) mask.z = 0;
	if (eq(ru, c)) mask.w = 0;

	if (mask.x == 1) s = diag(s,ip,vec2(-1,0),vec2(0,1), l, d, LINE_THICKNESS);
	if (mask.y == 1) s = diag(s,ip,vec2(0,-1),vec2(-1,0), l, u, LINE_THICKNESS);
	if (mask.z == 1) s = diag(s,ip,vec2(0,1),vec2(1,0), r, d, LINE_THICKNESS);
	if (mask.w == 1) s = diag(s,ip,vec2(1,0),vec2(0,-1), r, u, LINE_THICKNESS);
	vec4 f = c;
	f = diag(f,ip,vec2(-1,0),vec2(0,1), l, d, LINE_THICKNESS);
	f = diag(f,ip,vec2(0,-1),vec2(-1,0), l, u, LINE_THICKNESS);
	f = diag(f,ip,vec2(0,1),vec2(1,0), r, d, LINE_THICKNESS);
	f = diag(f,ip,vec2(1,0),vec2(0,-1), r, u, LINE_THICKNESS);
	COLOR = (s+f) / 2.0;
2d, filter, pixel-art, sprites, upscale, upscaling, vector
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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