Wall of Glyphs
This was meant as a challenge to myself to mimic the wall in this tweet: https://twitter.com/Dexerto/status/1708093014030029030.
You should be able to add your own set of symbols, I have provided the one in the screenshot. the noise is just for random information, you should set it and increase the frequency a little bit.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform sampler2D glyphs;
uniform sampler2D noise;
uniform int glyph_w = 1; //The number of horizontal cells on the glyph image.
uniform int glyph_h = 1; //The number of verticle cells on the glyph image.
uniform float cells_w = 10; //number of horizonatal cells on the shader
uniform float cells_h = 10; //shader verticle cells.
uniform float change_sec = 5; //frequency of changes.
//each change: choose a random glyph and a random color, change. must be offset so they dont all change at once.
//from the book of shaders.com
float random (vec2 st) {
return fract(sin(dot(st.xy,
vec3 hsv2rgb(vec3 c)
vec4 K = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
vec3 p = abs(fract(c.xxx + K.xyz) * 6.0 - K.www);
return c.z * mix(K.xxx, clamp(p - K.xxx, 0.0, 1.0), c.y);
void fragment() {
float x = floor(UV.x * cells_w);
float y = floor(UV.y * cells_h);
vec2 cell_dim = vec2(1.0 / cells_w, 1.0 / cells_h );
vec2 localUV = mod(UV, cell_dim) * vec2( cells_w, cells_h);
COLOR.rg = localUV;
COLOR.b = 0.0;
COLOR.a = 1.0;
vec2 noise_val = texture(noise, vec2(x,y) * cell_dim ).xy;
float glyphx = floor( mod(random(vec2(x * x * y + y + floor(TIME * change_sec + noise_val * change_sec ))) * float(glyph_w),float(glyph_w)) );
float glyphy = floor( mod(random(vec2(y * y * x + x + floor(TIME * change_sec + noise_val * change_sec ))) * float(glyph_h),float(glyph_h)) );
vec2 glyphUV = vec2( glyphx / float(glyph_w), glyphy / float(glyph_h) ) + localUV * vec2((float(cells_w) / cells_w) / float(glyph_w),(float(cells_h) / cells_h) / float(glyph_h)) ;
vec4 color = texture(glyphs,glyphUV);
COLOR = color;
vec3 hue = vec3( random(vec2(x * y + x + y + floor(TIME * change_sec + noise_val * change_sec ))), 1.0, 1.0);
hue = hsv2rgb(hue);
COLOR.rgb = hue;
//COLOR.rg = glyphUV;
//COLOR.b = 0.0;
//COLOR.a = 1.0;