Mana Resource Orb Shader

This is a shader I have been working on for a while, Still needs a lot of work but I thought I would throw it on here.

To make this work, you need to set the noise and groove noise to a noise image, then set the colors of the inner and outer layer. From there, you can play around to get the desired effect.

Note: For best results, make the noise seamless, as otherwise there will be an obvious cut in the shader.


You can and should edit the uniforms for current_mana max_mana and rank_advancement_mana through code at runtime.

Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

//set these values within code (ouside of this shader)
group_uniforms Uniforms_For_Code;
uniform float current_mana = 0.5;
uniform float max_mana = 1.0;
uniform float rank_advance_mana = 1.0;

uniform float inset = .8;

//Border Values
group_uniforms Outer;
uniform float groove_opacity = 0.5;
uniform float groove_speed = 0.1;
uniform float groove_width = 0.075;
uniform float groove_distance = 0.3;
uniform sampler2D noise;
uniform sampler2D groovy_noise;
uniform vec4 border_color : source_color;
uniform float border_width = 0.1;
uniform float border_speed = 0.02;

//Inner Values
group_uniforms Inner;
uniform float glow_strength = 0.5;
uniform vec4 mana_color : source_color;

mat2 rotate2d(float _angle){
    return mat2(vec2(cos(_angle),-sin(_angle)),

float circle(float d, float radius, float circlewidth){
	return step(d,radius+circlewidth)-step(d,radius);

float lines(vec2 st, float d, float w){
	return 1.0 - step( w, mod( st.y, d));

float inverse_lerp(float a, float b, float c){
    return (c - a)/(b - a);

float smoothcircle(float d, float radius, float circlewidth, float smoothing){
	float outer = smoothstep(radius-smoothing,radius,d);
	float inner = smoothstep(radius+circlewidth,radius+circlewidth+smoothing,d);
	return outer - inner;
	return smoothstep(radius,radius+smoothing,d+circlewidth) * smoothstep(d,d+smoothing,radius);

void fragment() {
	vec2 st = (UV - .5) * 2.0;
	//polar coordinate from center
	float d = length(st);
	float angle = atan( st.x, st.y) / TAU;
	//border mask
	float ratio = min( 1.0, max_mana / rank_advance_mana);
	ratio *= inset;
	float noise_value1 = texture( noise,
			vec2( fract( TIME * border_speed), fract(angle - TIME * border_speed))).r - .5;
	noise_value1 /= 10.0;
	float noise_value2 = texture( noise, 
			vec2( fract( angle + TIME * border_speed * 5.0), fract(TIME * border_speed))).r - .5; 
	noise_value2 /= 12.0;
	float noise_value = noise_value1 + noise_value2;
	float max_mana_mask = circle( d, ratio + noise_value, border_width);
	float lerp = ( inverse_lerp(ratio + noise_value, ratio + noise_value + border_width, d) );
	max_mana_mask *= lerp * lerp;
	//groove mask
	float groovy_mask = circle( d, 0.0, ratio + noise_value + border_width);
	float groovy_noise_value = texture( groovy_noise, fract(UV+TIME * groove_speed)).x;
	groovy_noise_value = lines( rotate2d(groovy_noise_value * 3.0) 
			* (st + vec2( 0.0, sin(TIME * groove_speed))), groove_distance, groove_width);
	groovy_mask *= groovy_noise_value;
	//mana mask
	float mana_ratio = (current_mana / max_mana) * ratio * 1.05;
	float mana_mask = smoothcircle( d - noise_value1 * d * 2.0, -0.05, mana_ratio + .1, 0.05) 
		* float(d < ratio + noise_value + border_width  / 1.5) ;
	//blending colors
	vec4 color = vec4(0.0);
	if(max_mana_mask > 0.0){
		color = border_color;
		color.a *= max_mana_mask;
	if(mana_mask > 0.0 && current_mana > 0.0){
		vec4 f = mana_color * (d / mana_ratio) * glow_strength;
		color = mix(color * max_mana_mask,mana_color + f, mana_mask);
		color.rgb = mana_color.rgb;
		color.rgb += f.rgb;
		color.a = mana_mask * mana_color.a;
	if(groovy_mask > 0.0){
		color = mix(color * max(mana_mask,max_mana_mask) ,border_color,groove_opacity);
	COLOR = color;
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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1 year ago

That’s sick!!