A simple and common way to animate a texture. Great for particle effects, smoke, fire, etc. Try it out with the image below. This snippet animate from top left to bottom right so make sure your texture follows that layout.
sets the number of frames in X and Y. progress
is the frame number, you can pass in TIME
multiplied with a speed value.
vec2 flipbook(vec2 uv, vec2 size, float progress){
progress = floor( mod(progress, (size.x * size.y)) );
vec2 frame_size = vec2(1.0, 1.0) / vec2(size.x, size.y);
vec2 frame = fract(uv / size) + frame_size;
frame.x += ( (progress / size.x) - frame_size.x * floor(progress/size.x) * size.x ) - frame_size.x;
frame.y += (frame_size.y * floor(progress/size.x) ) - frame_size.y ;
return frame;
void fragment()
vec2 flip_uv = flipbook(UV, vec2(4.0, 4.0), TIME * 10.);
vec4 flip_texture = texture(TEXTURE, flip_uv);
COLOR = flip_texture;